Symptoms of anxiety vary greatly. Some examples of anxiety disorders are generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder (panic disorder is also known as post-traumatic stress disorder) and specific phobias. You may also suffer from more than one anxiety condition. In some cases anxiety is caused by a physical condition which requires immediate medical attention.
Some of the most common symptoms of anxiety include feelings of intense fear, trembling, pounding heart, sweating and numbness. Some sufferers may experience symptoms such as excessive and unrealistic worry, restlessness, fatigue and dizziness. Some sufferers will have more intense sensations such as confusion, or trouble concentrating. Some sufferers even experience sensations of burning in the stomach or chest, intense cramping or diarrhea, or a tight feeling in the chest.
If you experience any of these unpleasant symptoms you should seek help immediately. A doctor can determine if the symptoms are due to a physical problem, or are symptoms of an underlying health condition. Doctors will often prescribe anti-anxiety medications for people who suffer from anxiety. These medications may be called anxiolytics. A doctor can do tests to determine if the anti-anxiety drugs are working to treat the underlying health conditions causing the symptoms.
Specific phobias are not related to anxiety disorders. Many examples of specific phobias are claustrophobia, which causes people to suffer with headaches whenever they are around water, and hyperventilation. People who are afraid of water will frequently take deep breaths when they are near the water. People who are afraid of flying will often put their hands up into the air when they are about to fly.
If you have a physical problem causing your anxiety then your doctor will give you treatment options that include anti-anxiety pills or anti-depressants. Your doctor will evaluate your mental health condition and will recommend a treatment plan that includes therapy, relaxation techniques, or new types of stress-relieving equipment. Therapy can help you learn to cope better with anxiety and can be very effective in treating the problem.
Relaxation techniques can include meditation, yoga, and other techniques that help you learn to control your breathing and increase your overall sense of relaxation. You may feel like you can’t breathe or that you are losing control of yourself. When you learn to manage these issues you will learn to feel like nothing is wrong and you will be able to overcome your fears that cause you to worry.
Sometimes people experience feelings of anxiety and trouble sleeping because of the stresses of worrying about their problems. The anxiety can interfere with your ability to get rest and may even cause you to oversleep. In addition to keeping yourself busy with activities that you enjoy doing, try to do something relaxing before you go to bed. If your doctor gives you a prescription for medicine to treat your anxiety disorder, be sure to follow the doctor’s orders for taking the medicine and also to take frequent naps during the day.
Even if you do not suffer from an anxiety or mental health problem, you should be aware of possible drug use or substance abuse. The risk of developing an addiction or dependence on any type of medication increases with abuse. Some common drugs that are frequently used as medications to treat anxiety and other mental health concerns include alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, and heroin. It is important that you let your family and friends know what you are doing so that they can assist you if necessary. If you experience drug use or addiction, you should contact a drug treatment center or professional who can refer you to someone who can provide you with the treatment you need.