Cellulite removal is the next big thing. After the surgical treatments, many women still suffer from this unsightly dimples. Some get so embarrassed that they will just keep their legs covered. It is unfortunate that the first thing that most people look at when they find out that you have cellulite is your legs. So is there really a safe and effective way of removing cellulite?
The first safe and effective means of cellulite removal is liposuction. Liposuction is a procedure where a suction is made to remove the fatty tissue under the skin. The procedure has become more popular over the years because it can be done in a hospital setting with local anesthesia. When liposuction is performed properly, it is very effective in removing pockets of fat that are localized. But it also leaves behind large areas of loose connective tissue that will not go away. Many times, liposuction is combined with other procedures such as tummy tucks or facelifts to achieve the best results.
If you’re considering these procedures, there are things to consider before you make your final decision. For starters, these treatments have varying degrees of effectiveness. For example, if your cellulite is localized and small, then a simple liposuction may be enough to help you improve your appearance and remove the problem. However, if your cellulite is more severe, then more aggressive treatments such as mesotherapy and laser resurfacing may be needed. These more invasive treatments will not only reduce your cellulite, but can also address other underlying issues and potentially even reverse some of the effects of cellulite.
The most common cellulite removal method involves removing fat from specific areas of the body. This process takes the fat stored under the skin and uses it to flatten the fatty deposits located deep within your body. This can be accomplished using liposuction, or more commonly, through a procedure such as lipoplasty. In general, this is done on the thighs, buttocks, or hips.
Lipoplasty is by far the most invasive of all cellulite removal procedures. But the procedure is effective and can even produce amazing results. In general, this procedure involves creating an incision along the natural crease below the bikini line, lifting and redistributing the fatty tissue beneath the skin, and then tightening the skin as you continue to tighten the skin. After a few weeks, the unwanted fat will simply fade away.
Cellulite removal can also be accomplished by using lasers, liposuction, and other more simple procedures. However, since cellulite removal methods depend on the area that is being treated, it is important to get in touch with your physician to determine which method is best for your situation. Some patients may respond better to laser removal than others. Also, there are patients who are not considered a good candidate for any of these methods due to health concerns, including diabetes, blood pressure problems, and the septated nature of their skin.
A good example of an alternative method for cellulite removal is through the use of Retinol. Retinol is an anti-oxidant and can help to get rid of the appearance of cellulite. Retinol is available in various forms, including cream and pills. You can get some prescription strength Retinol from your dermatologist, or you might want to try a more generic version at a store or online. Either way, the idea is the same.
One thing to keep in mind is that no treatment options are guaranteed to be effective in all cases. Even if something seems like it may work in one case, it may last a long time without any signs of improvement. As such, you need to be willing to give any treatment options a chance. Cellulite removal procedures may last a long time, but it may never go away completely on its own. So, even though you may feel frustrated and worried at times, take comfort in the fact that different options are available.