Oral care is the process of maintaining one’s mouth germ free from infection and other dental related problems by regularly brushing the teeth, cleaning the tongue and the cheeks in between the teeth. It is extremely important that oral care is done on a daily basis to allow prevention of tooth decay and bad breath. Even if you have just had a good meal or had a glass of wine, it is not a good idea to leave the television or any other media players on as they can affect the way your teeth look. The same goes for other oral care products such as toothpastes and mouthwashes, as they can damage your gums and cause dental problems if not applied correctly.
Bad breath, or halitosis, is caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, and these bacteria are known as anaerobic bacteria. They thrive in areas where there is no oxygen. To prevent halitosis, it is important to brush and floss one’s teeth twice daily, and after meals. It is also important to have professional dental check ups every 6 months to make sure there are no risk factors for oral infections and cavities.
Good oral care is essential for overall health as it prevents cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. If it is neglected, it can lead to serious conditions such as periodontitis (a condition where the tissues of the gums become inflamed), heart disease, and stroke. It can also cause mouth sores (or post sore gingivitis) which can bleed or become sore and crust over the lining of the mouth.
The keys to good oral hygiene are good oral hygiene maintenance. This includes flossing on a daily basis, brushing twice daily and using a special toothbrush that is fitted with soft bristles and soft gums. It also means cleaning the tongue with a tongue scraper that has been designed for cleaning the inside of the tongue. For those who are unable to get into the habit of brushing their teeth regularly it is advisable to use dental floss that will aid in brushing the teeth thoroughly between turns. A dental mouthwash can be used after brushing to help maintain the good health of the oral cavity.
Dental Implants and Bridges can provide a permanent solution to tooth loss and bad teeth if taken out correctly. However, some people suffer from speech problems because of missing teeth, and this can be solved by a set of dentures that are suitable for both adults and children. In adults, the most common problem associated with speech problems is xerostomia or tooth loss caused by the jaw dropping forward and affecting the airway. Dentures help to bridge the gap between teeth.
There are many different assessment tools available to help improve oral care, but the best ones are the clinical assessment tools that include the use of a brush, dental floss, mouth guard and dentist’s chair. The clinical assessment tools use dental techniques such as the clinical probe, oral palpation and digital x-ray to assess the condition of the patient. These tools are also used for the prevention and treatment of oral diseases. The clinical probe is a soft stainless steel probe that has an infrared light source and a stethoscope attached to it which help in assessing deep inside of the cheeks and gums.
Dental practitioners and nurses assess patients in their homes. Oral examinations are used for detecting diseases, monitoring the success of treatments and diagnosing abnormalities in teeth, gums and bones. Oral care is carried out by dentists and periodontists and they include routine oral care such as brushing, scaling, plaque removal and scaling, cleaning of the mouth surface and examination of the mouth structure. Scaling removes plaque deposits that form at the back of the tongue, in the gums and on the teeth. Plaque formation is a result of food, tooth decay and dental procedure and buildup, resulting in a bad oral smell, painful gums and bad breath.
Dentists have several types of equipment for cleaning and examination of the mouth. They include dental caries sorters, dental brushes, dental scissors, dental floss and games. A dental brush stimulates the flow of saliva and removes particles from the mouth surface. Dental floss plays an important role in maintaining healthy teeth, gums and tongue. It helps in maintaining the proper alignment of the gums and also removes trapped germs that lead to infection of the gums and oral cavity. Digital x-ray of the mouth can detect periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis and evaluate any changes in the gums.